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More Fallout Fan art

Around 2017 I was playing Fallout 4 and drawing several fan art scenes to mark my character’s journey, like a story journal of sorts.

The last half of that year had been a little rough and I took refuge in Fallout 4 and its fandom. It’s nice to look at the piles of drawings now.

Part one has more Nora and Nick Valentine.

Deacon and the sole survivor, Nora

Fallout 4 fanart - Deacon Nora
Deacon and Nora.

Above, an injured Deacon (or pretending to be injured!) and the game’s female protagonist, Nora.

Deacon is an agent of a faction named Railroad, known for its stance on freeing synths from the Institute’s (an isolationist, technocractic faction) control. He scouts the sole survivor with the intention of recruiting them.

Fallout 4 fan art - Sole survivor and deacon
Death bunnies.

Nora and Nate </3

nora and nate
Nora and Nate.

An iconic scene from the beginning of the game, and around which the entire main plot dances. The protagonist is underground and checks the chamber in which their family has been put to sleep cryogenically to escape a nuclear blast.

Their post-nuclear-war plan doesn’t go as planned.

Photoshop crashed and corrupted the file when this was almost finished. I guess it adds to the feeling of loss.

A sole survivor sketch.

Another view of the female protagonist.

Preston Garvey and misc. Sketches

Preston is one of the last survivors of a faction named the Minutemen.

Ink pen drawing of Preston Garvey, a Fallout 4 character

Conrad Kellogg

fallout 4 conrad kellogg fanart

This one was done for the first day of Inktober, showing a character named Conrad Kellogg and his daughter.

He also has some ties with your family and one of the main factions in the game.

Fallout 3 Butch Deloria

Pencil drawing of Butch Deloria with a short pompadour and a leather jacket
Butch Deloria, from Fallout 3

Video timelapse for Deacon and Nora

This video has a few insights in my digital painting process (which was a bit sloppy at the time!), and in the voice over I comment on the things I’m painting and studying. If you are interested in this kind of content being done in English, please let me know!

More Fallout

More fanart

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