These are short stories from my fictional world, Ignici.
Illustrating Fiction – Blood Market I, II
“Forbidden material is secretly exchanged between the mental clinic’s employees. The most requested goods are bitter chocolate from a known Arca manufacturer and Caettian (drawn from giants) blood, commonly used in experiments, rituals and research. Dr. Amaro Fruss is between the most known blood providers – trading it for Arca money, chocolate and rare coffee from the old Republic.
What a cutie, Dr. Fruss thought, referring to the same critter that in a few seconds would complete and utterly ruin the clinic’s black market. He then fell into a deep slumber.”
Amaro Fruss comes from a patchwork of old languages, being roughly translated to “Bitter Fire.”

And how do people steal blood from freaking giants?, you ask?
Well, actually, very few people manage to do that.

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