A Half-orc DnD portrait commissioned by Van T. Thank you!
I painted it in Paintstorm Studio and recorded it using OBS, to post the timelapse in my channel.

The client’s description of the character, Grim:
A Half-Orc Paladin of Bahamut, he has sworn an oath against the cult of Tiamat and had his face very badly burnt by a powerful prophet of fire casting “Heat Metal” on his plate armor.
This was an opportunity to study how to paint realistic burn marks, metal, and hair.
At the time of this commission I was also studying medieval armors, so it was great to add details such as the gambeson under his plate armor, on his neck area.
Gambesons are a thick type of historical padded cloth armor. It’s usually made with several layers of linen, and a bit different than the romanticized leather armor we usually see in games and fantasy art.
If you’re interested in a DnD Portrait or similar artwork, I’m listing styles and fees in my commission info.
Initial sketches and development

I used Hugh Jackman and Iain Glenn as references (no wonder the second version is pretty much Wolverine).

I’m also very pleased with Paintstorm’s default brushes, and used dark, broad strokes to set the mood before adding details.
Painting timelapse
I record voice overs mainly in Portuguese, but please let me know if you’d like to see English voice overs!
In these videos I usually go more in depth about what I studied, brushstrokes, and how to achieve the lighting.
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