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Food Illustration

A selection of food illustration pieces I created for personal projects and my community.

Avocado bowl and dumpling

Illustration of unusual food combinations - avocado, dorito, nori, corn.
Food bowl with some odd combinations of flavors.

Illustration of a wooden bowl, a can of “Coca Coca”, and a dumpling. The bowl has a mashup of food items such as slices of nori, a single dorito, a pile of corn, rice, bamboo shoots, avocado slices, and a red sauces. The dumpling is a pale cream color and is covered in the same sauce as the rest.

I painted those during a Twitch live stream, and my chat would pick random food items for us to add inside the bowl.

Illustration of salad tray

A fresh salad displayed inside a bamboo tray.

Illustration of vegetables and fruits displayed in a cut bamboo stem.
Can you identify all the veggies? The orange cubes are the most uncharacteristic ones, I believe. I painted them thinking about cooked pumpkin pieces.

Those two first illustrations were made in Paintstorm studio.

Food bowl and salad process

food bowl sketch
Salad tray sketch
food sketches of dumplings, a giant brigadeiro, a strawberry, and the bamboo salad.
Table display sketch and ingredient ideas.
Some visual references assembled in PureRef.

Krita’s RGBA brushes

The food illustration pieces below were painted to test Krita’s default set of RGBA brushes. They’re a great textured set introduced in version 5.0.2.

If you’re having issues with those same brushes, check if your painting is in 8-bit mode, such as in the image below.

Krita’s image properties showing a setup made for its RGBA brushes.

A Krita illustration – Avocado

Textured illustration of an open avocado.
The canvas-textured brush felt incredible.
Food illustration - painting of a red velvet cake with strawberries on top
A red velvet cake.

For the red velvet cake I used as reference one of my photos.


Those sweets photo references come from a vegan dessert recipe posted on Reddit by u/Sarko.

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Anebarone's art patreon campaign banner
Patreon is a big motivator for my personal work, studies, creating characters and stories, tutorials, and pretty much everything art-related that I do. ✨ Thank you!


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