A Warden Amell portrait made for a client. Thank you!
This is a painterly sketch style painting of Raina Amell, Morgan’s mage origins human.
The Amell family
The Amells are the human Circle of Magi Warden’s family in Dragon Age: Origins (2009).
The Warden’s parents are Lord and Lady Amell, who are killed in a raid on their estate, leaving the Warden as the last surviving member of the family. The Warden is eventually recruited into the Grey Wardens by Duncan.
Afterwards, the Amell family makes a comeback in Dragon Age 2 via Hawke’s mother — Leandra Amell, a noble from the Free Marches.
So depending on your choce of protagonist in DA:O, they can be related to Hawke!
You can also be an elf mage in DA:O, but then your family name will be Surana.
Artwork’s long description
Digital painterly sketch of a female Dragon Age:origina human mage protagonist.
A mage stands in front of a textured blue background, while also wearing a blue robe. The robe has small yellow/gold twisted embroidery patterns and details. She has a medium blonde, long, wavy hair that flows elegantly around her neck and sits atop of her left (our right) shoulder. Middle-parted bangs cover her light-brown eyebrows and light-brown eyes. She has a violet-toned tribal-looking marking on each cheek, like a tattoo. She offers a half-smile in a lipstick with almost the same color as the markings.
Initial painting Stages
Features sketch
During this stage I’m visualizing the client’s description and presenting versions of the character’s features, angle of the head, costume, and expression. The first version was approved, so we proceeded to the refining stages. ♥

Cleaned-up lineart
I like to save a clear, somewhat polished version of the lineart.

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